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Yet another weblog of okuramasafumi

The Very First Post

So, I started an blog with Octopress. As the very first post, I should talk about this blog.

Since I am a programmer, technology is what comes first to my mind when I try to write something meaningful. So I’ll write about software and technology anyway in this blog. However, technology and software don’t live on their own. Technology is developed by the community of engineers and scientists, which is a society, and used by the society. Technology and society are strongly connected, so when I think of the technology, I need to think about the society around it. And when I think about the society, I need to think about human as well.

I will NOT talk about Ruby on Rails tips. There are many experts. I, instead, will talk about why RoR has been accepted by some people and not by others. I’ll talk about how to learn programming, but I prefer to talk about ‘what is learning programming’ and why most of us are not able to learn programming after all.

Well at last, I need to mention the license. All posts of this blog are licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Please feel free to share, modify and translate my posts if you like, but please don’t forget to share the same license.